Cheope Shop WordPress Theme Review – ThemeForest

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Themeforest has just released an eCommerce WordPress theme “Cheope Shop”. It’s responsive and minimal, two things we love. It’s unique in the sense that the homepage layout almost looks like a magazine/news website.The use of a right sidebar widget to shuffle products in and out is a really nice touch. The designers are certainly aware that web readers scan pages in the “F shape pattern”.
cheope shop upper right layout
We do a lot of consulting on eCommerce websites and a common theme is having pertinent information on top somewhere, preferably on the top right so it plays more of a utility purpose than call to action. All the necessities are here: phone number, search box, social buttons, and the always important “my account button”, which let’s users see their shipping information and past transactions. cheope-theme-checkout-popupThe popup where you add things to the cart is also a nice touch. It lets users know what they’ve added without needing them to go to a separate page, great for user experience. You see a lot of eCommerce websites pack the cart button away randomly or worse not giving a number count (popularized by Amazon) to the amount of items in their basket. These kind of things build trust with consumers. The Cheope Shop WordPress theme adds these subtle touches.

The Cheope Theme is Also Great on Mobile Displays

We tried this out on our Android/iPhones as well as the iPad and everything tucks in quite nicely. Although recent data suggests that most people still do their actual purchasing from desktops far more than mobile devices it doesn’t hurt adding the ability to scale. And if you plan on using content marketing as part of your strategy then you will definitely want your blog sections to read well on mobile devices. Among the features that you’ll find in the Cheope theme:

  • WooCommerce Ready
  • The ability to turn the shopping cart off and use the entire theme as a catalogue
  • A custom shortcode manager
  • Unlimited sliders: which may be an overrated feature but essential if you want to play around with the look of certain pages
  • Zoom effect on products, which is useful if your items are “all in the details”

Besides the awesome eCommerce functionalities the theme can also work as a basic corporate website. We can’t recommend highly enough the Cheope Premium WordPress theme. It’s a class act. Move over Shopify.


  1. My Homepage on January 2, 2013

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  2. Mona on January 2, 2013

    Thanks RichardIm not that technically mednid and did struggle at first, but then came up with idea of deleting the first 2 lines and just keeping the advert.gif I then changed image I wanted to use to same file nameSeemed to work anywayCheersJulesJulesb4s last [type] ..

  3. Inkasso ABC on February 5, 2013

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  4. Carolyn on April 13, 2013

    I’m thinking about getting this theme for a new online store we’re putting together. I’ve been doing a bit of research and this one has a lot of nice features and is aesthetically pleasing.


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